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Check out the best Rolling Accessories for Dry herb

You now have the option to buy the best rolling trays with the signature King Palm logoand at a low price, too. A rolling tray is essential for an easy, mess-free roll. Browse through many high-quality rolling accessories suck as rolling papers, grinders, filter tips, rolled up rollers, blunt wraps, and more. We have the best dry herb accessories for sale.  All of King Palm’s premium dry herb accessories are highly rated and loved on a global scale. We are frequently updating our inventory, so make sure to check back for new additions. Also, feel free to reach out to us if any dry herb tray option is sold out, and we can let you know if we plan on restocking and when.

Types Of Dry herb Rolling Trays For Sale

  • Metal (Optimal for rolling on its hard, flat surface.)
  • Paper (Disposable. Use many times before disposing of.)
  • Plastic 

The small rolling tray option is excellent for anyone who needs a portable, clean surface to roll on. It can conveniently fit in any small bag with your grinder, all while still holding your favorite smoking accessories.    King Palm dry herb rolling trays prove that the best rolling trays do not need to cost a ridiculous amount of money to be premium. 

The Most Cool Dry herb Trays For Sale 

Rolling trays are a tool designed to conveniently give you the option to stuff rolled up cones or roll blunts on a clean surface.  By setting a dry herb tray on nearly any surface where you want to smoke, it can help you quickly roll or pack without worrying about making a mess or wasting dry herb.  Rolling on a portable flat surface tray comes easier, knowing you have more space on a tray to do what’s needed to partake.  Our dry herb rolling trays come in all sizes, colors, and styles for any smoker looking to amp up their toolbox collection and smooth out their smoke session. 

Are Dry herb Trays Worth It?

Dry herb rolling trays are worth getting because you won’t need to worry about finding a surface to roll on.  These trays give you the option to set it anywhere you want and start rolling with ease.  The compact layout further allows you to put them away when you’re done rolling up. 

Dry herb Rolling Trays For Sale 

Our dry herb trays for sale deliver unique styles or designs for all types of dry herb smokers.  We have a variety of rolling tables for sale from our 7 by 5-inch trays to our 10 by 6-inch trays. These come in fun designs you won’t get anywhere else. We also have a specialty dry herb tray that can light up in 16 different colors. It’s remote-controlled which makes it easy to access and gives your rolling experience the edge it needs.  The light-up rolling tray is great for those nighttime toking times.  These trays for sale will suit your lifestyle and give you a clean environment to work on those rolled up or blunts.  You can place all the smoking accessories onto the tray without overcrowding. It’s the right amount of space you need to get the job done properly.  All the dry herb rolling trays aren’t overly expensive and they will last you a long time. These are design pieces you can add a taste of style to your smoke break.